

As part of our commitment to deliver high-quality pharmaceutical products, we highlight our dedication to upholding the highest standards of professionalism in the various aspects of our operations.

corporate structure

ITICO Pharma is fully committed to maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards of pharmacovigilance. Our foremost priority is to ensure and safeguard the health and well-being of patients. To fulfill this commitment, we strictly adhere to regulations and guidelines, including the implementation of the pharmaceutical barcode system and Track & Trace QR code system.

We continuously and systematically monitor and analyze the safety of our products throughout their lifecycle, and take prompt and appropriate action to manage any identified risks.

Through these measures, we aim to strive to protect the integrity of our products and provide essential information to patients, healthcare providers, regulatory authorities, health organizations and other relevant organizations. Our goal is to foster transparency, accountability, and trust in our pharmacovigilance practice.

Reporting an Adverse Event

At ITICO pharma, the safety of our patients is the safety of our patients is a priority. We maintain rigorous protocols for managing safety data associated with our products. Please use this form to report any adverse events that you may have experienced.

Your active participation in reporting adverse events is vital to ensure the continued safety and efficacy of our products.

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